Thursday, September 19, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

~ Day 5 ~ Chai Visits Yellowstone Natl. Park Day 2 ~ Wednesday, June 12th ~

Hello, today is another day in Yellowstone Park, Chai loves to travel with her family and learn new things about the world around her.  She misses her friends Abbie and Hannah. 

We are hoping you are enjoying the time you have to spend reading our stories. It is fun to share them with you. 

Auynti TracyAnn

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024

~ Day 3 ~ Chai On Her Travels ~ Monday, June 10th ~

 Morning, new day coming forth, we are excited to share the stories of Chai and her family as they travel. Hope you enjoy the time we have together with Chai and her family. 

Glad that you are enjoying the stories enough to come back and read again. We are excited to see where all Chai goes for the year or so she will be traveling. 

Auynti TracyAnn

Thursday, September 5, 2024

~ Day 2 ~ Chai Visits Mount Rushmore ~ Sunday, June 9th ~

 Hello again, here is day two of Chai's adventure, we are excited to share the first real tourist stop on Chai's new adventure. 

Thank You again for coming to hear the next step in Chai's adventure. We will be adding a new day each Monday and Thursday and see where we go from there.  Enjoy!!

Auynti TracyAnn

Monday, September 2, 2024

~ Day 1 ~ Chai Travels to Mount Rushmore ~ Saturday, June 8th ~

 Good morning, today is the first day of Chai's amazing adventures. Hope you enjoy the next story.  Today they are traveling to the first landmark to see, 'Mount Rushmore'. 

        So glad that you are back again, Thank You for reading the first day of Chai and the trip that she is going to have will be amazing and fun.  Thursday is the first visit on her trip.  Keep up with Chai Mondays and Thursdays!!

Auynti TracyAnn